Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My blog

I decided that I would post to my blog on a monthly basis at least. I'm not going to write too many words in my blog, maybe only 200 words, it doesn't necessarily need longer post as long as I can make the point of my post. In every post I will always insert an image that is relevant to my blog post. I think a blog post with images is much more appealing to the eye than one entirely of text.

I'll write all my blog posts in English because I am more secure to express what my feelings in English rather than in Bahasa. Writing in Bahasa is too easy to understand for all people and that can be something dangerous on my part, haha that's what I thought , in addition I can brush up my English.

My blog post could be anything that crossed my mind and I thought it was important enough to be shared on my blog. Blogging gives me purpose as I travel through this life , I also hope to encourage others and make them think about the deeper meaning behind our experiences in life and what touches us at the heart and makes us who we are.


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