Monday, February 27, 2012

One Year is more than enough for me

All may bags are packed I am ready to go , I'm standing here outside your door ,,, La La La

Tomorrow I will be leaving Korea after one year living in South Korea for employment at GS E & C, and in about hours from now as I am writing my post the Internet connection will be terminated as I had cut the contract of Local Internet here -one thing that I will be missing about Korea besides its Transportation system- so here I am updating my blog for the last time in Korea

I decided not to renew my contract here because of my personal reason and I personally feel I might be better if I work in my country. I always feel grateful despite all that happened in here, in Korea it's the first time I work as an expat, the first time I experience snow season, I learn how to survive in cold winter, I learn how to be minority that have to face cold Korean who stare like I am a total Alien and stranger in Subway and in public places, but from that I learn how to become stronger person. How I live alone in here in a place that I don't even know how to express what I want as we speak different language but I survive.

Despite all that happened, I always feel grateful of what I had , this will be an unforgettable memories in my live. Thanks Korea, thanks GS.



Come across your blog searching abt foreigner's life in South Korea. why you feel bad abt being minority? cant stop LOLs reading that you cant stand how the way korean starring at you.

Some how you look like my senior high friend. 48, does it ring a bell?

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