Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Should I ?

Should I? Now that I think about it should I write everthing in this blog? I mean all, the whole thing, should a man like me write about his whole life, activities, failed dating and social life? Haha a man like me? like what?

Hmm now that I mentioned it, I feel like I am that type of person who like to keep his personal life a secret. It can almost amount to a kind of paranoia about people knowing anything about the "real me". I meant, How many of my close friends could tell much about me ??

Anyway I don't intend to expose my whole life in this blog, I don't want everyone knows all bunch of shit about me. Writing in this blog can be a good stress-relief therapy though, you can mock people, you can write shit in it. Anything you want to write nobody prohibits you to do so.

I just want to have an avenue to freely speak my mind and express myself to the world, I just want to freely write anything that cross my mind. So it's my style of writing, start getting used to it. You can tell someone's personality from the writing, there is this proverb saying, " writings reflect the man". Sorry to say if I use a lot of rude words, It's just sort of emotional explosion, I don't really mean it. I am just going to write whatever I want to write, don't care what others would say, this blog is somewhat anonymous, I don't think nobody would give a shit what's written in here, like they would give a time spending to read it. Hell Yeah...


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